What We Do


Commercial Medical Escort

Medical travel companions, known as air medical escorts, accompany you throughout your entire voyage, from your initial location, be it a hotel or hospital room, to your ultimate destination. Air medical escorts can include physicians, nurses, or paramedics - depending on the patient's needs. They assist with airport navigation, picking you up, and aiding with luggage and seating on the plane. Beyond these responsibilities, your escort addresses any medical needs during the flight, ranging from dressings and catheters to oxygen support and even foot massages.

Stretcher Services

Passengers utilizing stretchers on commercial flights require extensive medical support, often facing challenges with mobility and the inability to sit up during takeoff and landing. Our services extend to ventilated patients as well. Opting for stretchers on commercial airlines offers a cost-effective alternative to air ambulances.

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MedWing Express verifies the medical necessity and the patient's condition. Our staff will efficiently coordinate all facets of the air medical escort process.


Patient arrives safely to their final destination.

Fly With Medwing

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